SEPTEMBER 3, 2009 @ 8:30 a.m.

Board of Supervisors:
Steve Samuels, Chair  
Paul Manke, Vice-Chair
Taylor Meals
Sydney Crampton
Phyllis Wright

Richard L. Rollo, Administrator
Robert H. Berntsson, District Attorney
Maureen Cronk, Administrative Assistant

1.    The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.    ANNOUNCEMENTS – none

       a)    SERVICE AWARDS – Mr. Samuels presented Lani Keefe with her 10 year service award with thanks.
4.    PUBLIC INPUT – None

5.    CONSENT SECTION – Chairman Samuels asked for comments or objections to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Manke moved “to accept the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, 2009 as presented” Seconded by Mr. Meals

      a)    Minutes of the Regular Meeting August 20, 2009        09-09-03 CS A

      a)    Operating Budget – Mr. Rollo introduced the item and turned it over to Ms. Zoeller for further explanation. Lengthy discussion ensued with the focus on employee health care costs and the pay additive. Health insurance rates increased 19% this year; the proposed pay additive increase is 10%. Each health care option was described to the Board.
      b)    Capital Budget – Mr. Linden introduced the item. The Capital Budget remains the same as last meeting totaling $2.4 million in the CIP. The Sarasota County sidewalk project had been added to the CIP covering engineering fees only, not construction.  Lengthy discussion ensued with the focus on funding options for the remaining V9 A&B areas and also the V10 area.  

Since a consensus could not be reached on the entire FY2010 budget, Mr. Rollo suggested voting on each motion separately. 

Mr. Meals moved “to approve the FY 2010 Debt Service in the amount of $3,706,302 and the FY2010 Florida Retirement System (FRS) Debt Service in the amount of $278,468”
Seconded by Ms. Crampton

Unanimous                                                         09-09-03 A
Mr. Manke moved “to authorize 78 full time employees effective 10/1/09; 77 funded” Seconded by Ms. Wright  

Passes 4/1 (Mr. Meals)                                       09-09-03 B

Ms. Wright moved “to increase the Water and Wastewater Base Charges (by 4%) to $15.62 and $22.72 respectively, effective 10/1/09” Seconded by Mr. Manke

Unanimous                                                         09-09-03 C

Mr. Manke moved “to move the discussion of the Operating Budget and the Capital Budget to the September 17, 2009 meeting” Seconded by Ms.Wright
Passes 4/1 (Mr. Samuels)                                   09-09-03 D

7.    DISCUSSION ITEM – none

8.    ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Richard L. Rollo, PE
              Philip Wagoner, Chief WRF Plant Operator – unable to attend
              1)    Reuse System Telemetry – could be done in two phases, the first phase would cost approximately $50,000. Do this first and add other stations as necessary, this may be enough
              2)    RO expansion – complete with a minor punch list remaining.
              3)    Water Use Permit – trying to work out details; 3-4 weeks to draft permit
              4)    WRF- flows are down. Tank is finished. Odor control is working well, head works need to be cleaned.
              5)    Collections – still working on the I&I project in Boca Royale. Muffin monster is great. Truck is ready for the parade.     
              6)    Distribution – working on maintenance, GPS’ing, and updating existing maps.

       b)    TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANAGER’S REPORT – Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, PE
Mr. Linden reviewed his written report with updates.

              1)    WRF Reclaimed Water Flows – demand is down.
              2)    Sarasota County Englewood Sidewalk Project – trying to set up a JPA.
              3)    Drainage improvements around the library, no conflict with EWD just water services; in- house work.

      c)    FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Sonia R. Zoeller
             1)    Ad in newspaper for IT person. Need to fill position.

9.    ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert H. Berntsson-none

      a)    Tim Effrem – 9419 Downing Street; Mandatory Water & Wastewater Hook-up Mr. Samuels referred to the letter from Attorney Berntsson (attached).  Mr. Effrem was contacted by EWD about this matter over a year ago. We can’t force connection, but we can bill him monthly base charges and lien the property for the Capital Capacity Charges.  

Mr. Manke moved “to put the Capital Capacity Charges on the November 2009 tax bill, Sewer CCC payments will be collected over 5 consecutive years at 8% interest (same as V8); Water CCC at current fees/interest. Collection of monthly base charges for water and wastewater availability will begin January 2010” Seconded by Mr. Meals

Unanimous                                          09-09-03 E

11.   PUBLIC COMMENT – none

12.   NEW BUSINESS- Mr. Manke requested staff to provide information on how many residents are not connected to sewer in each voting district, available for the September 17, 2009 board meeting.

13.   BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS – Ms. Crampton has volunteered to research information on state legislation for Ad Valorem taxes.

14.   ADJOURN @ 11:01 a.m.


Paul F. Manke, Vice-Chair