FEBRUARY 3, 2011@ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:
Steve Samuels, Chair
Taylor Meals, Vice-Chair
Sydney Crampton
Phyllis Wright
Paul Manke

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert Benedict, (acting) District Counsel
Teresa L. Herzog, Administrative Assistant

1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS – the Attorney’s invoice dated February 1, 2011 was added to the consent section.

3.      SERVICE AWARDS – Chair Samuels presented a 5 year Service Award to Tim Weber with thanks and congratulations.                                                                                  

4.      PUBLIC INPUT – Pete Buchardt – 2190 Alamander Avenue (408-4491) Mr. Buchardt had several questions for the Board pertaining to the V9 sewer project. Will we need a permit to hookup? What about major catastrophe? Mr. Buchardt suggested leaving the existing septic system as a “back-up” if there is complete failure of the sewer system. When is the next Board meeting on the subject?

Mr. Ray addressed Mr. Burchardt’s questions. A permit, usually obtained by the plumber is required to make the connection from the house to the sewer system. Abandonment is not a decision made by EWD, it is State mandated. The March 3 and March 17, 2011 meetings will be held at the West Coast Church for further discussion and decision on the V9A sewer area.

5.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Samuels asked for comments, objections and/or corrections to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Meals moved “to accept the consent section as presented.” Seconded by Mr. Manke.


         a. Minutes of the Regular & Annual Meeting January 6, 2011  11-02-03 CS A
         b. Attorney’s Invoices dated January 6 & February 1, 2011        11-02-03 CS B

6.      ACTION ITEM – None

                     a. Mr. Samuels requested the Board have comments for Mr. Ray’s review to Ms. Herzog by the end of March for an April review.
                     b. Mr. Ray presented the format for the March meetings.

8.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
         a.         WASTEWATER OPERATIONS – Phil Wagoner
                     1)         Ron Franklin – Collections Foreman
                                 a. IP Sensing Pilot Program – the pilot program is proceeding with 40 units being installed initially. If successful, this equipment could save the District a significant amount of money and manpower should a back-up occur.  
                                 Mr. Wagoner continued:
                                 1.  Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage Recovery – we are finally in re-charge mode; flows are up.
                                 2.  ASR Supplemental Reclaimed Water Source – testing is scheduled for March 1, following repairs of a leak at the pump station.
                                 3.  Headworks screens – waiting for screen parts to proceed.
                                 4.  Headworks back-up generator – the start-up will be next week.
         b.         JARL ‘JAY’ D. LINDEN, PE – TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Mr. Linden reviewed his written report with updates.                                 
                                 1.  Water Main Extensions – the project is complete.
                                 2.  Arlington Cove Development – Neal Communities purchased Phase II of the development.
                                 3.  South Manasota Key Drainage Improvement – final punch list has been received.
                                 4.  Sarasota County Sidewalk Project – all paperwork has been submitted to Sarasota County.
                                 5.  Sarasota County Water Interconnect – the DEP permit was received January 25.
                                 6.  Annual SWFWMD and DEP Reports – are being prepared.

         c.         SONIA ZOELLER, FINANCE DIRECTOR –  Ms. Zoeller reviewed her written report with updates.
                                 1.  Investment report – as of December the balance was $12,462,137; up $488,000 from the previous month. Escrow payments were responsible for some of the increase in revenue.
                                 2.  Auditor’s report – we are expecting the final report in April or May.

Mr. Ray concluded the Administrator’s report.

9.      ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert Benedict, (acting) District Counsel – None

10.    OLD BUSINESS – None

11.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

12.    NEW BUSINESS – None


14.    ADJOURN @ 9:12



Taylor Meals
