NOVEMBER 3, 2011 at 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:           
Steve Samuels, Chair                                                
Taylor Meals, Vice-Chair          
Sydney Crampton
Phyllis Wright                
Paul Manke    

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert H. Berntsson, District Counsel
Philip E. Wagoner, Wastewater Operations Manager
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E., Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Teresa L. Herzog, Administrative Assistant

1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call to establish a quorum.

a. The October 2011 Attorney’s invoice was added to the consent section.

3.      SERVICE AWARDS – Chair Samuels presented a 30-year service award to Water Operator Cliff Vosburgh and a 5-year service award to Wastewater Operator Adam Cassill with thanks and appreciation.

4.      PUBLIC INPUT – Russell A. Micoli – 1493 Sanderling Drive (475-6251) Mr. Micoli had unexplained water usage of 201,300 gallons when he was not in Florida; the meter was not shut off during his absents. A bill for $3,183.43 resulted from the high usage. The Water Adjustment Act was applied, lowering it to $426.85. Mr. Micoli asked for additional relief on the bill and that the meter be replaced. Discussion ensued and a decision made. A payment plan for the balance will be set up and the meter will be replaced.

5.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Samuels called for comments and/or corrections to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Meals moved, “To approve the consent section.” Seconded by Mr. Manke


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated October 6, 2011                   11-11-03 CS A
         b. Attorney’s Invoice dated November 1, 2011                                     11-11-03 CS B

a. Customer Rules and Regulations – Government Wholesale Rate – Mr. Ray explained the item. Section 27.0 (Service Fees and Charges) Item A-5 reads Government Wholesale Rate, that title was designed for the Charlotte County Interconnect and is not suitable for future interconnects. For clarification purposes the title should be changed from Government Wholesale Rate to Government/Bulk Rate.

Ms. Wright moved, “To accept the proposed changes to Section 27.0, Item A-5 as presented.” Seconded by Mr. Manke

Unanimous                                                                                                    11-11-03 A

         b. Vehicle Purchase – Mr. Ray introduced the item, this is a budgeted purchase exceeding Administrator’s authority.

Mr. Meals moved, “To purchase a 2012 Ford Super-duty F-550 with an added 11 foot service body and 8,000 pound crane from the State of Florida Contract. Funds to come from Wastewater Operating Expenditures.” Seconded by Ms. Crampton

Unanimous                                                                                                    11-11-03 B

         c. Deleted Assets – Ms. Zoeller explained that annually EWD Finance Staff conducts an inventory of fixed assets, some items were sold others were destroyed. The reconciliation shows the items that will be written off.

Mr. Meals moved, “To accept the Asset Disposal Reconciliation.” Seconded by Mr. Manke

Unanimous                                                                                                    11-11-03 C

         d. Jones Edmunds Task Order- Mr. Linden presented the item. The requested software is an upgrade to our existing ArcGIS program. The upgrade will keep the technology current and improve functions used by field personnel. Jones Edmunds is a consulting firm in our library.

Mr. Meals moved, “To authorize Task Order #JEA-12-001 to the General Service Agreement with Jones Edmund Associates to upgrade the District’s ArcGIS Version 9.3 to ArcGIS 10 Version in the amount of $32,792.00 as specified in the Scope of Services received October 20, 2011.  Funds from Operating Expenditures.” Seconded by Mr. Manke

Unanimous                                                                                                    11-11-03 D

         e. Overbrook Gardens Easement Utilization- Mr. Linden reviewed the item. The Overbrook Gardens Association would like to remove an existing wooden fence and install a decorative wall made of Styrofoam and stucco. The proposed fence would be installed over and across a District easement. The Association understands that should the District need to access the easement the fence would be removed at no cost to the District.

Ms. Wright moved, “To authorize the Chair to sign and the Secretary to the Board Attest the Agreement for License to Utilize Easement between Englewood Water District and Overbrook Garden Association, Inc. to construct and maintain a privacy wall over and across the District’s easements.” Seconded by Mr. Manke

Unanimous                                                                                                    11-11-03 E                                                 
7.      DISCUSSION ITEM – None

8.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
i) Valve Pit Telemetry Pilot Program – working with IP Sensing and Airvac testing the valve pit sensor devices.  These devices can detect a problem and sound an alarm sending crews to the exact location of the system failure, saving a substantial amount of time.  They are extremely sensitive and work better than expected. The same technology can be used on water meters.

Mr. Wagoner continued with his report,

  1. Headworks Project – materials have been ordered, the project will begin soon.
  2. Odor Scrubber – still working with the vendor to get both units working together.  

b. TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E. Mr.    Linden reviewed his written report with updates.
1. Water Main Extension – work to close loops is proceeding.
2. Dearborn Street Drainage Project – is on schedule for the first of the year.
3. Sarasota County Water Interconnect – the project was awarded to Woodruff and
4. V9-A Vacuum Sewer and Water Main Replacement Project – with the Contractor’s low bid and EWD supplied valve pits, the Engineer’s estimate of $1.5M is the expected cost.
5. Arlington Cove Development – Neal Communities has paid for an additional 12 lots totaling $62,686.80 in Capital Capacity Charges.
6. Japanese Gardens – they currently have a privately owned system, we are working with them on a Bulk Water Agreement.
7. Park Forest currently has 5 phases, they are planning Phase 6A consisting of 28 single family lots.  

c. FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1. Audit – the Auditors will be here November 8th and again in December.
2. Banking RFP – three banks have requested additional information. Submissions are due November 18th and recommendations will be brought to the Board at the December 1st meeting.

Mr. Ray continued with his report,
1. Consent Order – the due date is November 23rd, staff is requesting a 90 day extension. 
2. Attended the Phase 3A Regional Interconnect Dedication on November 2nd at the T. Mabry Carlton Jr. Water Plant as regional members.

9.      ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert H. Berntsson- None

10.    OLD BUSINESS – None

11.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

12.    NEW BUSINESS – None


14.    ADJOURN @ 9:40


Taylor Meals, Vice-Chair
