AUGUST 2, 2012 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:
Taylor Meals, Chair
Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair
Steve Samuels
Phyllis Wright
Eric Fogo

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert H. Berntsson, District Counsel
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E., Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Roger K. Quick, Water Operations Manager (absent)
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary

1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS –Surplus Parcel handout was added as new business (attached).  

3.      SERVICE AWARDS – Chair Meals presented a 25-year service award to Meter Crew Chief Kathie Irving with thanks and congratulations.

4.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

5.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for comments, objections and/or corrections to the consent section, hearing none,

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept the Consent Section,” seconded by Ms. Wright.


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated July 19, 2012                        12-08-02 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated July 25, 2012                                             12-08-02 CS B

6.      ACTION ITEM                                                                                      
a. Atkins Task Order for Well Rehabilitation R.O. Well No. 2, Supply Well 2-4 – Mr. Ray introduced the item.  Over time flows decrease due to scale build-up. The solution is to acidify the well to improve flow. This task order allows Atkins to prepare the required documents to hire a contractor for well restoration.

Mr. Fogo moved, “to accept this bid for using Atkins as published,” seconded by Ms. Crampton.   

Unanimous                                                                                                    12-08-02 A

a. FY13 Budget Review – Mr. Ray introduced the budget for Fiscal Year 2013 reviewing the
highlights and calling for questions.
1. FY2013 Organization Chart – Mr. Ray presented the chart stating there is one open position in the WRF, an employee who is relocating resigned. This position will be filled and no additional positions will be added. The Organizational chart will remain at 73 employees.
2. FY 2013 Operating Budget – Mr. Ray reviewed the Operating Budget. Before discussion began Mr. Fogo interjected, stating that for the act of transparency, he has ownership in the company that writes the insurance for line items 500240; Worker’s Compensation and line item 500450; General Insurance. Attorney Berntsson added for the record, that the budget is being voted on, not the specific insurance contracts causing no conflict with the vote.  Discussion included worker’s compensation premiums, sludge hauling, utility expenses and odor control.
3. FY2013 Capital Improvement Projects – Mr. Linden reviewed the CIP Budget line by line, and called for questions. Hearing none, Ms. Zoeller continued.
4. CIP Projects to Date- Ms. Zoeller presented the CIP Project to Date page highlighting the budget to date, total budget, and expenditures to date.

Chair Meals called for a motion to approve the budget, adding that if more time is needed for review, approval could be postponed. He also noted that no rate increase is necessary for this budget year. Discussion ensued with a motion made.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to approve the budget for 2013 as presented.” Ms. Zoeller requested a correction to the motion be made to include; approve the organizational chart, the operating budget, the CIP budget and the debt services. Motion amended.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to approve the budget as presented for the organizational chart, operational budget, CIP budget and debt services as presented by staff,” seconded by Ms. Wright.

Unanimous                                                                                                                            12-08-02 A

Full motion:
1. Approve 73 full time employees effective October 1, 2012.
2. Approve the FY2013 Operations Budget totaling $9,321,729.00, Operating Budget funds are annual and will expire on September 30, 2013.
3. Approve the FY2013 Capital Improvement totaling $1,050,000.00, CIP project authorization and funds are multi-year funds.
4. Approve the FY2013 Debt Service totaling $3,622,390.00 and the FY2013 Florida Retirement System (FRS) Debt Service totaling $301,753.00.

8.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
a. WATER OPERATIONS MANAGER – Roger K. Quick (absent)
1. Distribution Foreman – Wayne Kershanick
i) Kilbourne Street main extension is near completion, this extension ties                                                          in 3 dead end streets.
ii) Valve replacement is being done in the Bay Vista Subdivision.  
iii) Galvanized pipe will be replaced on Old Englewood Road, Carla Drive
and Coral Way.
iv) Yearly large meter testing is complete.
v) Japanese Gardens tap for the master meter has been made, hook-up                                               to follow.         
vi) Meter change out and routine maintenance are ongoing. 

         b.  TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E. Mr. Linden reviewed his written report with updates.
1. ASR Supplemental Reclaimed Water Source – SWFWMD approved the groundwater model after modification and the WUP application should be ready next week.                                     
2. Dearborn Street Drainage Project – this project is approved and moving forward.
3. Winchester South Project – Charlotte County has approved the traffic signalization and the contract for the construction is proceeding.
4. V9-A Vacuum Sewer and Watermain Replacement Project – the contractor requested a 30 day time only extension, moving the completion date to August 28th.
5. WRF Odor Control – Addendum No.1 for the BioScrubber was issued July 26th, a second addendum was requested. The bid for the General Contractor is planned to go out in October.
6. Stoner Road Development – Neal Communities is planning a development with 68 units, currently they are going through the re-zoning process.
7. Sarasota County Interconnect – is complete, the bill for $59,000 was received. We had budgeted $75,000 for this project, it came in under budget.

         c.  FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller – None

Mr. Ray concluded the Administrator’s Report

9.      ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert H. Berntsson-None

10.    OLD BUSINESS – None

11.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

12.    NEW BUSINESS                                                                                 
a. Surplus Parcel – Mr. Ray referred to the handout showing property owned by EWD on Morningside Drive, explaining that an inquiry was received asking us to give an ingress/egress easement to the land locked parcel directly behind our property. Years ago, there was a sewer package plant for Englewood Hospital on this property; we obtained it when the hospital hooked up to our sewer system. Staff requested Board direction on how to proceed. Discussion ensued and staff was directed to gather more information on the property before a decision is made.
b. Pioneer Day Parade – Mr. Ray asked if EWD would like to participate in the Pioneer Day Parade again this year. Board consensus was yes.  


14.    ADJOURN @ 9:35

Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair
