JANUARY 5, 2012 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:
Steve Samuels, Chair – Seat #1
Taylor Meals, Vice-Chair – Seat #2
Sydney Crampton – Seat #3
Phyllis Wright – Seat #4
Paul Manke – Seat #5

Michael J. Ray- Administrator
Robert H. Berntsson-District Counsel
Philip E. Wagoner-Wastewater Operations Manager
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E. – Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller- Finance Director
Teresa L. Herzog-Secretary to the Board

  1. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.



a. The Attorney’s invoice dated January 3, 2012 was added to the Consent Section.

3.   ELECTION OF OFFICERS- Attorney Berntsson took the gavel for purposes of election of officers. Nominations for the position of Chairman were requested.

    1. Mr. Meals was nominated by Mr. Samuels.
    2. Ms. Crampton was nominated by Mr. Meals.

Attorney Berntsson called for a motion to close the nominations.

Mr. Meals moved, “to close the nominations.” Seconded by Mr. Manke.
Nominations were close, a vote taken. Mr. Meals was declared Chairman.

3/1 (Crampton abstained)                                                                            12-01-05 A

Chair Meals resumed with the meeting, calling for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman.
a. Ms. Crampton was nominated by Ms. Wright.

Mr. Manke moved, “to close the nominations.” Seconded by Ms. Wright.
Nominations were closed, a vote taken. Ms. Crampton was declared Vice-Chairman. 

Unanimous                                                                                                    12-01-05 B


5.  CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals asked for comments, objections and/or corrections to the consent section.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept the Consent Section as amended to include the Attorney’s invoice.” Seconded by Mr. Manke


a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting December 1, 2011                            12-01-05 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated January 3, 2012                                            12-01-05 CS B

a. CY’12 Schedule of Meetings – Mr. Ray reviewed the schedule.

Mr. Manke moved, “to accept the Schedule of meetings for Calendar Year 2012 and the Annual Organization Meeting of 2013 as presented.” Seconded by Mr. Samuels.

Unanimous                                                                                                    12-01-05 C

      b. Master Banking Services Agreement – Ms. Zoeller stated that the Agreement has been reviewed and approved by Staff and District Counsel.

Ms. Wright moved, “to authorize the Chairman to sign and the Secretary to the Board to attest the Master Banking Services Agreement with Florida Shores Bank Southwest effective January 5, 2012 to provide banking services to Englewood Water District. Funds to come from Water and Wastewater Revenue.” Seconded by Mr. Manke.

Unanimous                                                                                                    12-01-05 D

    c. Atkins Task Order to prepare an interim (MIT) plan for DIW #1 – Mr. Linden presented the item. Testing is a condition of our operating permit; expenditure exceeds the Administrator’s authority.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to authorize the Administrator to sign the ATKINS-12-005 Task Order to the General Service Agreement to prepare an interim Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT) plan for Deep Injection Well #1 as specified in the Scope of Services received December 6, 2011. Funds from Operating Expenditures.” Seconded by Ms. Wright.

Unanimous                                                                                                   12-01-05 E


     d. WRF Odor Control Master Plan- Mr. Ray explained that an odor study consultant has been hired to conduct a plant wide odor study to produce a long term plan for odor control issues at the plant. Based on study findings a proposal for the needed work will be presented at a future meeting.

Ms. Wright moved, “1.  To approve the addition of $60,000.00 for the WRF Odor Control Master Plan to the FY 12 Budget for engineering services.  2. To authorize the Administrator to sign the GWE-12-001 Task Order to complete an odor study of the EWD’s Water Reclamation Facility.  Project costs to be taken from Wastewater CCC.” Seconded by Mr. Manke.

Unanimous                                                                                                   12-01-05 F


1. The Bioxide chemical feed began November 28th, slightly improving the odor issue.
2. Contractor is on site, headworks sandblast and painting project has begun.        
3. Septic tank haulers have been contacted to haul off grease accumulation at the headworks to help control the odor.
4. DEP preformed the annual generator tank inspection.

      b. TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden P.E. – Mr. Linden reviewed his written report with updates.
1. ASR Supplemental Reclaimed Water Source – met with DEP December 6th, after the SWFWMD permit is obtained, a modification to our operating permit can be submitted. A meeting with SWFWMD, ASRus and EWD will be scheduled.
2. Annual Hydrobiological Monitoring Report and Annual Wellfield Report – have been submitted.
3. Water Main Extension – progressing, now on Perry Street.
4. Winchester South Project – still on hold, waiting for funding from the FDOT grant.
5. Sarasota County Water Interconnect – our 16” valves have been exercised and construction is slated to begin in February with a March 28th completion date.
6. V9-A Vacuum Sewer and Watermain Replacement Project – the Core of Engineers is reviewing our permit; we expect a “no permit required” letter in the next two weeks.
7. WRF Odor Control – ready to begin the study next week with a meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 12th.
8. Park Forest Phase 6A- preliminary plans have been reviewed and approved. A letter of availability has been requested for the remaining 272 lots. The contract includes reclaimed water.
9. U.S. Census Department of Commerce – census has been completed and returned.



      c. FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
i) Customer Service is geared up for season; there have been several requests for turn-ons over the past few months.
ii) Ninety-three owner transfers occurred last month, things are selling. Currently we have $294,000 outstanding balances on delinquent accounts, liens have been filed. Numerous pay-offs have been requested.
iii) Staff is working with Robin in the V9A area; customers are coming in and calling with questions.
iv) In an attempt to reduce the number of delinquency letters sent, we are considering consolidating it one bill, possibly changing the due date from 20 to 30 days, resulting in a savings of approximately $500.00 a month in postage. We may have to change the Customer Rules and Regulations to reflect the due date changes.
v) Many customers are using the on line payment option, currently we do not charge customers a fee to use a credit card to pay their bills.

Ms. Zoeller continued with her report,
1. The auditors are finished, not anticipating any major comments this year.                                                 2. The new payroll software will go live in February or March after Supervisor training.
3. Transition to Florida Shores Bank has begun. A meeting is scheduled for today.
4. Preparing W-2’s.

Mr. Ray concluded the Administrator’s report.

9.  ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert H. Berntsson – None



12. NEW BUSINESS – Mr. Samuels received a call from a local realtor regarding a new building in East Englewood. The septic tank is too small and the owner would like to connect to the sewer. Access to our line would require going under SR776 and the Access Road to hook-up his property. Mr. Samuels’ response was he could not make that decision without Board approval. The realtor is requesting a cost to hook up. Mr. Samuels recommended the owner get an engineer’s cost estimate. Mr. Ray added that the realtor contacted him first and his response was EWD had no intentions of expanding to East Englewood at this time. This may come back at a future Board meeting.  


14. ADJOURN@ 9:35

Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair