MAY 17, 2012 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:           
Taylor Meals, Chair               
Sydney Crampton, Vice-Chair   
Steve Samuels                           
Phyllis Wright                              
Paul Manke (absent)

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert H. Berntsson, District Counsel
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E.,Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Philip E. Wagoner Wastewater Operations Manager                                                     
Teresa L. Herzog, Secretary to the Board

  1. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.




4.  CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for additions, deletions and/or corrections to the consent section. Chair Meals requested item 4a be removed for consolidation of items 6a and Mr. Ray’s portion of the Administrator’s report.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept the consent agenda as changed,” seconded by Ms. Wright.

Further Board discussion ensued, motion amended.

Mr. Samuels amended the motion, “to approve only the Attorney’s invoice and continue the approval of the other item, the minutes of the meeting, to the next meeting,” seconded by Ms. Wright.


b. Attorney’s Invoice dated May 3, 2012                                                              12-05-17 CS B

a. Resignation and Replacement of Seat #5 – Chair Meals read Mr. Manke’s resignation letter, expressing appreciation for his service. He then called for a motion to accept Mr. Manke’s resignation.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept Paul Manke’s resignation from the Board effective today,” seconded by Ms. Wright.

Unanimous                                                                                                                12-05-17 A

Chair Meals presented several options concerning the vacant seat, explaining the seat term is for 6 months and election is not guaranteed. Mr. Fogo has offered to fill Mr. Manke’s seat and understands the terms. Attorney Berntsson read the enabling act to clarify appointment of a Board member. Chair Meals then asked for Board member discussion.

Board discussion ensued with a consensus that appointing a new Board member at this time would be in the best interest of the District.

Ms. Wright moved, “to appoint Eric Fogo to Paul Manke’s seat on the Board of Supervisors,” seconded by Mr. Samuels.

Unanimous                                                                                                                12-05-17 B                                                                                                     
Attorney Berntsson administered the Oath of Office to new Board member Mr. Fogo.

      b. Vehicle Purchase – Mr. Ray introduced the item. This truck purchase is not in the budget, but the 20 year old dump truck has been retired due to expensive needed repairs. $100,000 for membranes at the Water Treatment Plant was budgeted however; they are holding up well and will not need to be replaced this year. Funds will be transferred within the budget from the Water Treatment Plant to Distribution to purchase the truck; no additional funds are requested. 

Mr. Samuels moved, “to purchase, through the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract #11-19-0907 a 2012 International 4300 Dump Truck in the amount of $69,775.00. Funds to come from Water Operating Expenditures,” seconded by Ms. Wright.

Unanimous                                                                                                                12-05-17 C

a. Mid-Year Budget Review – Staff highlighted the handout, with Mr. Linden explaining the CIP Budget line by line. Chair Meals complimented staff on a job well done.

1. Odor Control Chemical– a different chemical is being used as a stop gap, which is more effective and approximately 45% less expensive than the previous chemical.
2. Composting Plant– Synagro, in a joint venture with Charlotte County is building a composting plant behind the landfill on Zemel Road. Because it will be local, sludge will be hauled using our staff and equipment. This will be a significant savings to the District. Tipping fees will be competitive, no price yet. The DEP permit has not been issued so far.
3. DEP Operators Work Shop – attended recently in Fort Myers, a good refresher for DEP paperwork.
4.  Odors and Air Pollutants 2012 Conference – attended the Conference in Louisville Kentucky, very informative. Neal Webster of Webster Environmental who we are using for the odor study chaired the conference.

b. TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden P.E. Mr. Linden reviewed his report with highlights.
1. Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage Recovery – 21MG were recovered during the dry season; recovery from the ASR well has been stopped due to high chlorides.
2. ASR Supplemental Reclaimed Water Source – a groundwater model and permit have been submitted to SWFWMD with a request for 100,000 GPD.            
3. Water Main Extension – working on Kilbourne Street now to complete a loop.
4. V9A Vacuum Sewer and Watermain Replacement Project- is progressing, contractor is on Thomas Street now.
5. WRF Odor Control – kickoff meeting was May 15th, 30% plans complete in July for our review, 60% plans complete in September along with the Engineer’s cost estimate for next year’s budget. Checked with DEP for grants, none are available; only loans.
4. Utilities Inc. of Florida (Sandlehaven) – they are proposing to Charlotte County a 300% increase in fees. Several calls have been answered about background information. They have capacity in our wastewater plant.
5. Beach Bacteria Management Committee – will be attending the next committee meeting on May 30th.
6. Water Planning Summit – will be attending with a Board member on June 6th.                                        7. Replacement of Spot Lights with LED Lights – in an effort to further reduce power usage, the electrician is replacing all the old spot lights with LED lights. The upfront cost is expensive but considerably reduces electric consumption, saving money.

      a. FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1. Audit- after a slight delay, the draft audit has been received; it will be presented at the June meeting.  
2. Investment Report – shows the current value as of April 30th at $14.1M in cash and investments.
3. 2013 Budget – working on the budget for July discussion.
a. New Statements – copies of the new statement were distributed. The new billing company is able to add the past due on the statement, reducing the need to send delinquent notices; saving approximately $8,000 a year in postage and mailing supplies. Additionally the new billing company is $500 a month less.
b. E-Notification – currently there are 977 customers receiving e-notes and 1,063 customers using auto-pay.  
c. Foreclosure Accounts-approximately 300 foreclosures or bankruptcy processing accounts are still out there, with a 90 day balance of $328,000.  
d. Turn Off Requests – 500 turn-offs were done last month.



Mr. Ray continued with his report,

          1. Ann Dever Memorial Regional Park formerly known as Oyster Creek Regional Park –Charlotte County has been given the options discussed in the last Board meeting; we’ve had no response yet.

8.    ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert H. Berntsson – None

 9.   OLD BUSINESS – None



12.  BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS – Ms. Wright and Ms. Crampton expressed their pleasure with their participation in the Dropsaver Poster Contest Awards.

13.  ADJOURNED @ 9:57 a.m.


Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair

