AUGUST 8, 2013 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:         Staff:
Taylor Meals, Chair                 Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair  Robert Berntsson, District Counsel
Sydney B. Crampton               Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E. Technical/Operations Support Manager
Phyllis Wright                           Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Eric Fogo                                 Philip E. Wagoner, Wastewater Operations Manager
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary


1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS – None

3.      SERVICE AWARD –Chair Meals presented 10 year service awards to both Wastewater Operator Greg Miller and Collections Workman II Charles Miller. He expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of the entire Board.

4.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

5.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair meals called for additions, corrections and/or deletions to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Samuels moved, “accept the consent section,” seconded by Mr. Fogo.


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated July 18, 2013              13-08-08 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated July 16, 2013                                       13-08-08 CS B

6.      ACTION ITEM – None

a. FY14 Budget Review
1. Organizational Chart – Mr. Ray opened the budget discussion with review of the updated Organizational Chart distributed before the meeting. He explained that a Meter Reader resigned and the position won’t be filled, reducing the proposed number of employees from 73 to 72.

Discussion ensued to include future department re-organization, the installation of additional electronic read meters, and the importance of the meter reading position.  

                     2. Projected Revenues/ Proposed Expenditures – Ms. Zoeller began the discussion by stating that revenues are conservatively projected; not budgeted. She concluded that the overall increase to the proposed budget is .9%.

Discussion ensued to include potential increases in revenue from new development and the effect including depreciation would have on the budget.

                     3. Proposed Line Item Budget – Mr. Ray detailed the FRS Retirees line item that contained a significant increase of 42%. He explained that rates and increases are set by the Florida Retirement System, not EWD. Ms. Zoeller continued the discussion detailing the 4.67% increase in personal services, the 1.47% decrease in total operating expenses and the 15.45% decrease in total capital outlay.

                     4. Proposed Operating Capital – Mr. Ray reviewed the operating capital outlay emphasizing the WRF improvements filter rehab, WRF improvements road and fence-Winchester and production membranes, all projects of larger expense.

                     5. 5 Year Proposed CIP – Mr. Linden reviewed the Proposed 2014 CIP Budget highlighting  Watermain Extensions, V9B Watermain Upgrade, V9B Sewer, and Sewer Line Extensions. He added that V9C is included in 2015 and 2016 should the board decision to proceed be approved.

                     6. CIP Projects to Date – included during the 5 Year Proposed CIP Budget discussions.

In response to Ms. Crampton’s inquiry of reconsidering the East Englewood sewer expansion with Charlotte County, Mr. Ray provided explanation of the logistics of expansion and his desire to finish the sewers within the EWD boundaries.

Chair Meals called for additional comment or discussion, hearing none, he proposed a motion be made to pass the budget.

Ms. Wright moved, “to approve the 4 motions as stated for the FY14 budget,” seconded Mr. Fogo.

Unanimous                                                                                                  13-08-08 A

Full motion read,

1.To approve the FY 2014 Capital Improvement Program, totaling $2,7000,000, as presented by staff. CIP project authorization and funds are multi-year funds.”

2. “To approve the FY 2014 Operational Budget totaling $ 9,796,982.59. Operational Budget funds are annual and will expire on September 30, 2014.”

3. “To approve the FY 2014 Debt Service totaling $3,622,390.”

4. “To approve 72 full time employees effective October 1, 2013.”

8.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
1. Collections Foreman – Ron Franklin
a. Rain Event- the heavy rains over the 4th of July weekend kept the Collections Department very busy with pumping and repairs. Overall the District faired pretty well.
b. Dearborn Street Drainage Project – is moving along but keeping the Collections Department busy.

Mr. Wagoner continued with his report.
1. Odor Control Project –progressing on schedule; pending weather.
2. Holiday Ventures DIW#2 MIT – the test is scheduled for September 16, DEP will be there to witness.
3. Sludge Composting – EWD along with Stewart Florida are participating in a bio-solids composting pilot project with Waste Management. There is no pricing or schedule change.
4. E-DMR – began electronically submitting the reports to DEP last month.
5. Employee Retirement – Ralph Smith retired last month, Kyle Franklin from the Distribution Department was promoted to the WRF as an operator trainee.

         b.  TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E. Mr. Linden’s status report was updated verbally.                                                                                                          1. Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage Recovery – received the DEP final permit June 24. This is a 5 year permit and all requested modifications were approved.
2. WWTP Permit Application 2013 Renewal – received the DEP final permit July 11. This is a 5 year renewal and all requests were approved.
3. Winchester South Project – bid opening is scheduled for August 28 with construction anticipated to begin November 2013.
4. V9-B Vacuum Sewer –the notice of expansion was published with the county in July, working on securing the needed easements. The bid opening took place August 6, all bids were close to the engineer’s estimate.
5. WRF Odor Control – the second progress meeting was held on site July 31, on schedule; weather pending. An update letter was sent to DEP notifying them of our progress.
6. Bocilla Utilities, Inc. – a field meeting was held August 6. Connection to our system is still anticipated for the end of the year.   
7. Sarasota County Sidewalk Project – on hold; waiting for funding from sales tax.
8. Sarasota County Land Conservation Inquiry – they have again requested updated information regarding their desire to purchase 30 acres of property located past the YMCA and owned by EWD. It is unlikely it would ever be used by us.

         c.  FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1. Staff is training on the new financial software. An October 1 startup is anticipated.  
2. Auditors are scheduled for the 1st week of December and January.  There will be new auditors from CliftonLarsonAllen this year.
3. Mr. Ray commended Ms. Zoeller for a job well done on the budget.

9.      ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert Berntsson
1. Attorney Berntsson announced he will not at the next meeting.
2. EWD was dismissed from the trip and fall case at Sassy Snappers.

10.    OLD BUSINESS – Chair Meals asked the Board their opinions on changing the dates of the remaining 2013 meeting schedule since the August meeting was moved to the second Thursday of the month,  making the September meeting three weeks away instead of four.

Discussion ensued with a decision to leave the schedule as published.  

11.    PUBLIC COMMENT – none

12.    NEW BUSINESS – Chair Meals tasked staff with researching the effect Obama Care will have on the District. Mr. Ray will arrange to speak with Dave Wampler our Insurance Agent and report at the next meeting if there are any significant changes.

13.    BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS – the entire Board commended staff on the great job they did on the budget.  

14.    ADJOURN @ 9:42 a.m.



Steven Samuels~Vice-Chair

