FEBRUARY 7, 2013 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:
Taylor Meals, Chair
Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair
Sydney B. Crampton
Phyllis Wright
Eric Fogo

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert Berntsson, District Counsel
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E., Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Philip E. Wagoner, Wastewater Operations Manager
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary

1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS –Mr. Ray announced that a hand out for the 6a discussion item was distributed.

3.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

4.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for additions, deletions and/or corrections to the consent section. Hearing none, Mr. Fogo moved, “to approve,” seconded by Mr. Samuels.


a. Minutes of the Regular & Annual Meeting dated January 17, 2013          13-02-07 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated January 18, 2013                                                     13-02-07 CS B                

a. V9-B Vacuum System Project Engineering Services Task Order – Mr. Linden introduced the item. V9-B was approved at the last board meeting, this request is for a scope of services for Giffels Webster Engineers to complete the design and bid package for V9-B.

Mr. Samuels moved, “to authorize the Administrator to sign the GWE-13-001 Task Order for engineering services for the V9-B Vacuum Sewer System Project. Project costs to be taken from Wastewater CCC,” seconded by Mr. Fogo.

Unanimous                                                                                                              13-02-07 A

         b. Boca Royale Easement Modification – Mr. Linden explained the item. Boca Royale requested an easement modification. A forcemain and watermain in an existing easement were moved so the builder would gain an additional lot. The modification has no impact on the District.

Mr. Fogo moved, “to accept as presented,” second Mr. Samuels

Full motion read: “To authorize the Chair to sign and the Secretary to the Board Attest the Easement Modification Agreement requested by Boca Royale.”

Unanimous                                                                                                              13-02-07 B

         c. WRF Odor Control Improvement Project – Mr. Linden presented the item. Two bids were received and the apparent low bidder was TLC Diversified; they were under the Engineer’s estimate. It was Staff’s, District Counsel and the Engineer’s recommendation to award the bid to TLC Diversified.

Ms. Wright moved, “to authorize the Chair to sign and the Secretary to the Board to attest the contract documents between EWD and TLC Diversified, Inc. for the WRF Odor Control Improvement Project in the amount of $679,394.00 as stipulated in the proposal dated January 29, 2013. Project costs to be taken from Wastewater CCC,” seconded by Mr. Fogo.

Unanimous                                                                                                              13-02-07 C

a. Vacuum Truck Replacement – Mr. Ray introduced the item, detailing the poor condition of the current 1993 vacuum truck. He explained the merits of replacing the deteriorated truck and acknowledged the great expense of its replacement.  Mr. Ray requested the money be appropriated to negotiate the purchase of a new vacuum truck.

Board discussion and comment ensued with a motion made.

Mr. Samuels moved, “1) to amend the budget adding $380,000.00 and 2) to authorize the Administrator to negotiate the purchase of a 2014 vacuum truck. Cost not to exceed $380,000.00. Funds to come from Wastewater Operating Expenditures,” seconded by Ms. Crampton.

Unanimous                                                                                                              13-02-17 D   



7.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray

         a.  WASTEWATER OPERATIONS MANAGER – Philip E. Wagoner
1. Working with Jay and Mike on the Odor Control Project.
2. The ASR and DEP Waste Water Treatment Plant permit renewals are being worked on.

b.  TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E. Mr. Linden reviewed his written report with updates.                                               
1. Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage Recovery – had a conference call with Mark McNeal of ASRus, Phil, Mike, DEP in Tampa and DEP in Tallahassee to request modifications to the operating permit. Most are in our favor.
2. 2012 Annual Wellfield Report and the 2012 Annual Hydrobiological Monitoring Report – Atkins will be preparing them and the draft reports will be submitted to us this month.
3. V9-A Vacuum Sewer and Watermain Replacement Project – of the 168 developed lots, 50 have applied for hook up and 30 have paid in full.
3. V9 –B Vacuum Sewer – the septic tank location forms went out last week. The DEP Environmental Resource Permit is being prepared for the Core of Engineers.
4. SR776/ San Casa – Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Project is proceeding, the areas we were most concerned about are finished with no issues. 
5. Keyway Place Development – was approved by County Commissions last week. We have reviewed the drawings for 70 units.
6. The WWTP Operating Permit expires in September; a requirement of the permit is the application to renew is submitted 6 months ahead of time. Mark McNeal of ASRus is helping with that.  

         c.  FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1. The new financial software has been purchased. Installation and training are taking place; hope to have it up and running October 1.  
2. The audit report is expected for the March board meeting.

Mr. Ray continued with his report. Over the holidays an odor complaint was received at the WRF. DEP requested a meeting. After the meeting a draft consent order was received with proposed time lines, it was reviewed and based on the bid opening a request to change the dates was submitted back to DEP for acceptance. We will be under a consent order until the Odor Control Project is complete and also when we go to permit renewal. He then concluded the Administrator’s report.

8.      ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert Berntsson announced he will not be attending the April meeting.

9.      OLD BUSINESS – None

10.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

11.    NEW BUSINESS – Chair Meals tasked the board with preparing their Administrator’s reviews for the next meeting.

12.    BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS- Ms. Crampton described her experience at a Roberts Rules of Order Workshop she attended.

13.    ADJOURN @ 9:19 am


Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair
