JULY 18, 2013 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:         Staff:
Taylor Meals, Chair                   Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair    Robert Berntsson, District Counsel
Sydney B. Crampton (Absent) Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E. Tech/Operations Support Manager (Absent)
Phyllis Wright                             Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Eric Fogo (Absent)                     Roger K. Quick, Water Operations Manager
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary


1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS – None

3.      SERVICE AWARD –Wastewater Operations Manager Philip Wagoner accepted a 20 year service award on behalf of Wastewater Operator Paul Marum who was unable to attend the meeting.

4.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

5.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for additions or deletions to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept the consent section,” seconded by Ms. Wright.


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated June 6, 2013               13-07-18 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated June 17, 2013                                     13-07-18 CS B

a. R/O Plant Replacement Membrane Elements –Mr. Ray introduced the item, stating that the project is in the budget. Mr. Quick added that the life cycle for membranes is 7 years; they are at the end of their cycle and replacement is routine maintenance.

Ms. Wright moved, “to accept the proposal dated June 11, 2013 from Consolidated Water Solutions in the amount of $87,936.00. Funds to come from Production Capital Outlay,” seconded by Mr. Samuels.

Unanimous                                                                                                  13-07-18 A


a. FY14 Budget Review – Budget discussion will begin in August. Mr. Ray presented Ms. Crampton’s request to possibly reschedule the August 1 meeting to a later date since she would be unable to attend.

Discussion ensued with a motion made.

Ms. Wright moved, “to change the meeting from August 1 to August 8, 2013,” seconded by Mr. Samuels.

Unanimous                                                                                                  13-07-18 B   

8.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
1. Distribution Foreman – Wayne Kershanick
a. The heavy rain caused several galvanized air releases to give way and                                break, many service line leaks also occurred, they have all been                                             repaired. Distribution assisted Collections during the rain event.
b. Two fire hydrants were recently hit, they have been repaired.
c. The contractor on the Dearborn Street project hit the 6” main, which has                               been repaired.
d. 11th Street received DEP clearance on the main, service line connections are                     still being made.
e. Meter change out and maintenance are ongoing.

Mr. Quick continued with his report,
1. Production is down to 1.9MGD, typical for this time of year.
2. Rainfall recorded at the RO Plant to date for the month of July is 15 inches.
2. The in house membrane replacement project will begin soon.
3. Summertime maintenance is ongoing.                        

Change in agenda, Ms. Zoeller proceeded with her finance report.
1. Training for the new financial software is ongoing.
2. The investment statement shows $14M in reserves; up from last month and the average return on investments is 2.2%.
3. For the first time in 3 years there is a decrease in accounts receivables of approximately $15,000. Homes are being sold and outstanding utility bills are being paid.

         b.  TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E.
Mr. Ray reviewed Mr. Linden’s written report with updates.
1.  Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage Recovery – the permit has been received and as a condition of the operating permit, installation of a new monitor well is necessary. It may be in next year’s budget. This is a 5 year permit.
2. WWTP Permit Application 2013 Renewal – received the permit last week. It was prepared primarily in-house with assistant from Mark McNeal of ASRus. This is also a 5 year permit. 
3. EWD HV DIW-2 Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT) – testing is scheduled for September.
4. WRF Odor Control – is progressing. The headworks tanks are cleaned out, return lines are in, and the scrubber is installed. A progress meeting is scheduled for July 31.
5. Rain Event – a significant amount of rain fell in a short period of time. We had neither back-ups nor failures. Crews were very busy for approximately 30 hours.

c.  FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller

9.     ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert Berntsson – None

10.    OLD BUSINESS – None

11.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

12.    NEW BUSINESS – None


14.    ADJOURN@ 9:05 A.M.


Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair
