SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:         Staff:
Taylor Meals, Chair                 Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Steven Samuels, Vice-Chair  Robert Benedict, Acting District Counsel
Sydney B. Crampton               Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E. Technical/Operations Support Manager
Phyllis Wright                           Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Eric Fogo                                 Roger K. Quick, Water Operations Manager
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary


1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS – None

3.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

4.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for additions, deletions and/or corrections to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Fogo moved “to accept the consent section as presented,” seconded by Mr. Samuels.


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated August 8, 2013           13-09-05 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated August 19, 2013                                 13-09-05 CS B

a. Monitor Well Replacement for ASR Permit – Mr. Linden introduced the item explaining that the additional monitor well is a condition of the ASR monitor well permit renewal. No additional funds will to be added, funding will come from the FY13 operating budget.

Mr. Samuels moved, “To authorize the Administrator to sign ASRus Task Order ASRus-13-004 to provide Monitoring Well installation as stipulated in the recently issued Class V Operations Permit for the ASR system.  Project costs to be taken from Operating Expenditures,” seconded by Mr. Fogo.

Unanimous                                                                                                  13-09-05 A

6.      DISCUSSION ITEM – None


7.      ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
Change in agenda order, Laboratory Director Karen Ernst proceeded with her report.
a. Internal audits are being performed with staff in preparation of the state laboratory inspection.

         a. WATER OPERATIONS MANAGER – Roger K. Quick
1. Production is averaging a low 1.9 MGD, due to an overabundance of rainfall. July rainfall total was 17.53” the highest ever recorded since October 1973. August rainfall total was 14.41” the highest recorded since 1981.
2. Production replaced the Lime Slicker at a significant savings to the District. The top portion was rebuilt by staff and the lower portion was fabricated.
3. Distribution has completed the watermain replacement on 11th Street; all customers are now tied into the new main. The hydrants on 11th Street and Illinois Avenue are in operation.  Old meters in this area are being changed out to backflow radio read meters.
4. Distribution has calibrated and repaired all the large potable meters and testing of the large reclaimed water meters will be completed by the end of the week.

Mr. Linden updated his written status report with highlights.
1. EWD HV DIW-2 Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT) – testing has been rescheduled for September 24 and 25.
2. Dearborn Street Drainage Project – progressing, completion date is still November 29.
3. Winchester South Project – the bid opening was postponed to September 4th because of an addendum.
4. V9-B Vacuum Sewer –project award is scheduled for the October board meeting, proceeding with securing the easements.
5. WRF Odor Control – construction is mostly complete; startup is scheduled for the week of September 16, a little ahead of schedule.
6. Tom Adams Bridge Project – discussion with the engineer took place this week, the project is proceeding.
7. Paul Morris Industrial Park – The CRA is working with Sarasota County to secure a grant to install sewers in Paul Morris Industrial Park, they may request a contribution from EWD for this project. It is not in the 5 year budget.
8. Bocilla Utilities Inc. – their engineers are wrapping up the plans.
9. EWD 30 Acre Property – Sarasota County has a program to buy environmentally sensitive lands, they are interested in the 30 acre parcel owned by EWD located east of the YMCA. The 2013 property appraisal deemed the value at $39,000.

         c. FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1. Staff is preparing for the audit which begins the first week of December.                                   2. Staff is working on the new financial software conversion; start up is October 1.

Mr. Ray concluded his report by stating that he and Wastewater Operations Manager Phil Wagoner will be attending an Aquifer Storage Recovery Conference in Orlando September 9 and 10.

 8.     ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Robert Benedict – None

 9.     OLD BUSINESS – Chair Meals requested a follow-up from Mr. Ray’s meeting with Dave Wampler regarding the effect Obama Care will have on the District. Mr. Ray reported that currently the District’s health care plan exceeds the new Obama Care requirements. The only effect this year is a rate increase.

10.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

11.    NEW BUSINESS – None

a. Ms. Wright stated that she will not be attending the October meeting.
b. Chair Meals commended staff and employees on their efforts to control costs allowing the District to expand the sewer system into V9-A and V9-B without additional debt and presenting a flat budget  that was passed at the last meeting, all while avoiding a rate increase.

13.    ADJOURN @ 8:57


Steven Samuels~Vice-Chair
