DECEMBER 6, 2012 @ 8:30 A.M.

Board of Supervisors:
Taylor Meals, Chair – Seat #2
Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair – Seat #3
Steven Samuels – Seat #1
Phyllis Wright – Seat #4
Eric Fogo – Seat #5

Michael J. Ray, Administrator
Robert Berntsson, District Counsel
Jarl “Jay” D. Linden, P.E., Technical/Operations Support Manager
Sonia R. Zoeller, Finance Director
Philip E. Wagoner, Wastewater Operations Manager
Teresa L. Herzog, Board Secretary

1.      The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call to establish a quorum.

2.      ANNOUNCEMENTS – None

3.      SERVICE AWARD – Chair Meals presented a 5-year service award to Customer Service Representative I Kathy Dean with congratulations and thanks. 

4.     ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE – Attorney Berntsson administered the Oath of Office to board members Mr. Meals, Mr. Samuels, Mr. Fogo and Ms. Crampton.

5.         PRELIMINARY ELECTION OF 2013 OFFICERS – Attorney Berntsson accepted the gavel for purpose of election of officers. Nominations for the position of Chairman were requested.

    1. Mr. Meals was nominated by Ms. Crampton
    2. Ms. Crampton was nominated by Ms. Wright

Attorney Berntsson called for a motion to close the nominations.

Mr. Fogo moved, “to close the nominations for Chair,” seconded by Mr. Meals.
Nominations were close, a vote was taken. Mr. Meals was declared Chairman.

4/1 (Wright)                                                                                                   12-12-06 A

Chair Meals resumed with the meeting, calling for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman.

  1. Mr. Samuels was nominated by Mr. Fogo
  2. Ms. Crampton was nominated by Ms. Wright

Nominations were closed, a vote was taken. Mr. Samuels was declared Vice-Chairman. 

3/2 (Wright/Crampton)                                                                               12-12-06 B   

Officers will assume their positions after the public input portion of the January 17, 2013 meeting.
6.      PUBLIC INPUT – None

7.      CONSENT SECTION – Chair Meals called for additions, deletions and/or comments to the consent section. Hearing none,

Mr. Samuels moved, “to accept the consent section as presented,” seconded by Ms. Wright.


         a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting dated November 1, 2012     12-12-06 CS A
b. Attorney’s Invoice dated November 20, 2012                            12-12-06 CS B

 8.     ACTION ITEM                                                                                     
a. Calendar Year 2013 Schedule of Meetings – Mr. Ray introduced the item explaining that the proposed 2013 calendar  would decrease the meeting schedule  to twelve meetings per year. In 2012 eighteen meetings were scheduled and six were cancelled. If approved, the schedule will be adopted at the January 17 meeting. Mr. Fogo questioned if the enabling act would need to be amended to follow this proposed schedule. Attorney Berntsson responded that the proposed schedule would be in compliance. Chair Meals suggested moving the Annual and Organizational meeting from January 2, 2014 to January 16, 2014.

Board discussion ensued and a motion made,

Mr. Fogo moved, “to accept the proposed schedule of Regular Meetings for Calendar Year 2013 and Annual Organizational Meeting of 2014 as corrected; changing the Organizational Meeting to January 16, 2014,” seconded by Ms. Crampton.

Unanimous                                                                                                  12-12-06 C

         b. Biosolids Management Contract; First Amendment – Mr. Ray explained that the amendment would allow other utilities to “piggyback” our contract. The amendment would not impose any additional obligations or liabilities on the District; it simply allows others to use the general terms and conditions of our agreement.  

Mr. Samuels moved, “to authorize the Chair to sign and the Secretary to witness the Biosolids Management Contract; First Amendment,” seconded by Ms. Crampton.

Unanimous                                                                                                              12-12-06 D

         c. Deleted Assets – Ms. Zoeller presented the item. Annually staff conducts an inventory of fixed assets, reconciling disposals and additions. Most items were trashed; one dump truck was sold on GovDeals for $2,000.00. This year $141,000.00 was added and $41,828.22 was disposed of. 

Mr. Fogo moved, “to accept the Asset Disposal Reconciliation as presented,” seconded by Ms. Crampton.

Unanimous                                                                                                              12-12-06 E


10.    ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Michael J. Ray
1. The lights at the WRF have been upgraded from mercury vapor to LEDs resulting in a significant savings of $3,000 a month. All plant lighting will gradually be upgraded.
2. Attended the ASR Conference in Orlando, it was very informative. DEP is still using our ASR well in their presentation.

         b. TECHNICAL/OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER – Jarl ‘Jay’ D. Linden, P.E. Mr. Linden reviewed his report with updates.
1. Water Main Extension – the Old Englewood Road connection is complete; pressure testing and Bac-T testing is in progress; distribution crews will be moving to 11th Street and Illinois Avenue next, 4 hydrants will be added.
2. V9-B Vacuum Sewer – letters were sent to customers in the area; very few phone calls about the project have been received. 1,500 feet of the water main will be improved and 4 new hydrants will be added during this project.
3. WRF Odor Control – 100% final plans have been reviewed by staff, comments have been submitted for revisions. The notice of bid will be published December 7, the mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at the WRF December 18 and the bid opening will be January 8.
4. Mast Arm Replacements – is complete in the area of our greatest concern. The project is wrapping up.
5. SR 776 and Gulfstream Boulevard – a right turn only lane will be added in the area where we have a force main; construction is expected to begin February 21, 2013. We will be coordinating with the contractor.
6. Annual Reuse Report – has been completed. Last year 1.37 MGD was generated, this year it dropped to 1.27 MGD, a decrease of 100,000 GPD.
7. Doing a presentation to the Men’s Garden Club at the Elsie Quirk Library December 11.
8. Attended the FAWWA state seminar for continued education requirement, good for another 2 years.

         c.  FINANCE DIRECTOR – Sonia R. Zoeller
1.  Customer Service Manager – Susan Franklin
a) 90-day delinquent balance – currently there are 337 accounts that are delinquent. This accounts for $350,000 in the rears, an increase of $58,000 from last year. Ms. Franklin evaluated several areas within the district explaining that the delinquencies are relatively evenly spread out. All delinquent accounts have had a lien filed and eventually will be paid.
b) V9-A Sewer Applications- 24 people have paid the assessment in full, 13 have financed, with a total of 37 having made application and connections.
c) Payoffs – have been steady, there is usually a lull in December.
d) V9-B Vacuum Sewer Area – two calls have been received for                              additional information. Mr. Linden added that if the project proceeds, a notice will be published in the paper and recorded with the county so people know about the fees.

Ms. Zoeller continued with her report,

                     1. The auditors are here now and possibly for 2 more weeks.  
2. The September 2012 and October 2012 income statements show at the end of September we were under budget on the expenditure side and over budget on the income side. We increased our reserve balance $1.2M and spent it on the debt service payment.  Over all we went up $¼ M. The October statement shows several net losses because of the debt service payment that was made at the beginning of the month.
3. The Investment report shows everything going according to plan.

Mr. Ray concluded the Administrator’s report.

11.    ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Berntsson explained that the original BP Oil Spill Claim that was filed with the Gulf Coast Claims Facility on the District’s behalf was denied. Government agencies were required to file a claim directly to BP, which was done. Through the clean water act, BP had 90 days to respond to the claim, that time frame has long passed. Attorney Berntsson recommended the District proceed with a suit filed in the Federal District Court naming the District as another plaintiff in the case. It is an alternate way to reach a settlement. There is no cost to file the claim.

Board discussion ensued and a decision made to proceed with naming the District as a plaintiff in the case.

12.    OLD BUSINESS – None

13.    PUBLIC COMMENT – None

14.    NEW BUSINESS – None


16.    ADJOURN @ 9:30


Sydney B. Crampton, Vice-Chair
